RasPi.TV have recently launched another Kickstarter campaign for a new product. This is a natural follow-up to their successful GPIO reference ruler.

The new GPIO Zero Ruler is twice the length and provides a handy reference to the “GPIO Zero” library. It includes Python code examples as well as the vital Raspberry Pi GPIO header pin reference.
Alex kindly sent me one of these and like the 6 inch version it’s a high quality that you’ll find useful in all sorts of ways.
The GPIO Zero Ruler campaign is already well past its funding goal but you can still back it and get your very own GPIO Zero ruler! Visit the Kickstarter project page to read more and order yourself a ruler.
The GPIOZero 12in ruler is a brilliant idea. Yes please, I’d like to purchase 2 of them.
Please let me know when they will be available, and how much to post them to Australia.
Thank you.
Best regards,
George Cook
MCSE (now retired)
Ex Mundella Grammar School, Nottingham
I’ve added a link to the Kickstarter project page. While the project is still running you can order a ruler there.